1. Laboratory: A laboratory (from medieval Latin Laborare, derived from laborare or “to work”) is a
building or a room equipped and dedicated to the study of a
certain topic, not necessarily scientific.
A scientific laboratory is a room that supplies
controlled conditions under which they can be performed
scientific experiments, research and measurements. Laboratories are also local, common or private spaces where artists create, study and experiment with new techniques and ideas. The most important scientific laboratories in the world are part of the largest research centers in the world, in which thousands of scientific researchers work. *
2. Chemical laboratory: A chemical laboratory is a room used for analytical chemical investigations, and generally for laboratory-scale preparations of chemical substances.
and mixtures thereof. **
3. Laboratory: Restaurant and cocktail-bar located in the splendid Renaissance square Leon Battista Alberti
in Mantua. Research and experimentation are the soul and the
main elements of the project. Care, quality and details are perceived in the environment, in the dishes, in the drinks and in the atmosphere of this new laboratory: let's go to dinner at L .; what incredible dishes at L .; the L. makes you feel good.
* Source: wikipedia / Laboratory
** Source: wikipedia / Chemical_Laboratory